
0571 86971680
1996/8 - 2002/7,美国University of Missouri at Columbia,生物化学,博士
1999/9 - 2001/7,美国University of Missouri at Columbia,工商管理,硕士
1992/9 - 1995/7,中国科学院植物研究所,分子生物学,硕士
1988/9 - 1992/7,北京大学,植物生理学,学士
2020/1 – 至今,浙江大学转化医学研究院及附属邵逸夫医院,教授
2014/2 – 2019/12,浙江大学转化医学研究院及附属邵逸夫医院,研究员
2008/4 - 2014/2,哈佛医学院,讲师
2002/9 - 2008/4,哈佛医学院/贝斯以色列女执事医疗中心,博士后
1995/7 - 1996/8,中国科学院植物研究所,植物分子生物学,助理研究员
1. 浙江省高层次人才,2014年
2. Margaret Cheng Scholarship,University of Missouri-Columbia,1996年
3. 中国科学院院长奖学金优秀奖,1995年
1. 申请发明专利:谢安勇,冯依力,郭涛:一种用于基因编辑的配对sgRNA及其应用;专利申请号:201811088469.X
2. 授权发明专利:谢安勇,郭涛,冯依力:一种CRISPR/Cas9工作效率快速测试系统及其应用;授权专利号:ZL201610073847.1
3. 软件著作权:杭州数睿科技有限公司,谢安勇;大规模双断点基因序列分析引擎【简称:双断点基因序列分析引擎】v2.0.3,2018SR616505
论著(期刊论文;*: 通讯作者)
1.Feng Y-L*, Liu S-C, ChenR-D, Xie A-Y*. Target binding and residence: a new determinant of DNA double strand break repair pathway choice in CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing. J Zhejiang Univ SCIENCE B 2020; In press (受邀综述)
2.Zhang F, Yan P, Yu H, Le H, Li Z, Chen J, Liang X, Wang S, Wei W, Liu L, Zhang Y, Ji X, Xie A, Chen W, Han Z, Pu WT, Chen S, Chen Y, Sun K, Ge B, Zhang B. LARP7 Is a BRCA1 Ubiquitinase Substrate and Regulates Genome Stability and Tumorigenesis. Cell Rep 2020; 32(4): 107974.
3.Kong N, Ji X, Sun X, Chen G, Fan T, Liang W, Zhang H, Xie A*, Farokhzad OC, Tao W*.Mechanistic understanding of the ROS-mediated selective killing of cancer cells by black phosphorus. Nano Letters 2020; 20(5): 3943-3955.
4.Guo T#, Feng Y-L#, Xiao J-J, Liu Q, Sun X-N, Xiang J-F, Kong N, Liu S-C, Chen G-Q, Wang Y, Dong M-M, Cai Z, Lin H, Cai X-J*, Xie A-Y*.Harnessing accurate non-homologous end joining for efficient precise deletion in CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editing. Genome Biol 2018; 19:170.
5.Xie X, Hu H, Tong X, Li L, Liu X, Chen M, Yuan H, Xie X, Li Q, Zhang Y, Ouyang H, Wei M, Huang J, Liu P, Gan W, Liu Y, Xie A, Kuai X, Chirn GW, Zhou H, Zeng R, Hu R, Qin J, Meng FL, Wei W, Ji H, Gao D*. The mTOR–S6K pathway links growth signalling to DNA damage response by targeting RNF168. Nat Cell Biol 2018; 20: 320-331.
6.Han J, Ruan C, Huen M, Wang J, Xie A, Fu C, Liu T, Huang J*. BRCA2 antagonizes 53BP1/RIF1/Artemis-dependent classical and alternative nonhomologous end-joining to prevent gross genomic instability. Nat Commun2017; 8: 1470.
7.Feng Y-L, Xiang J-F, Liu S-C, Guo T, Yan G-F, Feng Y, Kong N, Li H-D, Huang Y, Lin H,
Cai X-J*, Xie A-Y*. H2AX facilitates classical non-homologous end joining at the expense of limited nucleotide loss at repair junctions. Nucleic Acids Res, 2017; 45: 10614-10633. Guirouilh-Barbat J, Gelot C, Xie A, Dardillac E, Scully R, Lopez BS*. 53BP1 protects against ctip-dependent capture of ectopic chromosomal sequences at the junction of distant double strand breaks. PLOS Genet, 2016; 12:e1006230.
8.Tang J-C, Feng Y-L, Guo T, Xie A-Y*, Cai X-J*. Circulating tumor DNA in hepatocellular carcinoma: trends and challenges. Cell Biosci, 2016; 6:32.
9.Feng Y-L,Xiang J-F,Kong N,Cai X-J*,Xie A-Y*. Buried territories: heterochromatic response to DNA double strand breaks. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin, 2016; 48:594-602 (受邀综述)
10.Chen J, Ji T, Zhao J, Li G, Zhang J, Jin R, Liu J, Liu X, Liang X, Huang D, Xie A, Lin H*, Cang Y*, Cai X*.Sorafenib-resistant hepatocellular carcinoma stratified by phosphorylated ERK activates PD-1 immune checkpoint. Oncotarget, 2016. 7:41274-41284.
11.Liu J, Li J, Fu W, Tang J, Feng X, Chen J, Liang Y, Jin R, Xie A, Cai X*. Adenoviral delivery of truncated MMP-8 fused with the hepatocyte growth factor mutant 1K1 ameliorates liver cirrhosis and promotes hepatocyte proliferation. Drug Des Devel Ther,2015; 9:5655-67.
12.Liu X-S, Chandramouly G, Rass E, Guan Y, Wang G, Hobbs RM, Rajendran A, Xie A, Shah JV, Davis AJ, Scully R*, Lunardi A*, Pandolfi PP*. LRF maintains genome integrity by regulating the non-homologous end joining pathway of DNA repair.Nat Commun, 2015; 6:8325.
13.Liu P, Gan W, Guo C, Xie A, Gao D, Guo J, Zhang J, Willis N, Su A, Asara JM, Scully R, Wei W*. Akt-mediated phosphorylation of XLF impairs non-homologous end joining DNA repair. Mol Cell, 2015;57: 648–661.
14.Tang JC, Xie AY, Cai XJ. Diverse functions of fibulin-5 in tumor. Mol Biol, 2014, 48: 761-766.
15.Hu Y, Petit SA, Ficarro SB, Toomire KJ, Xie A, Lim E, Cao SA, Park E, Eck MJ, Scully R, Brown M, Marto JA, Livingston DM*. PARP1-driven poly-ADP-ribosylation regulates BRCA1 function in homologous recombination-mediated DNA repair. Cancer Discov, 2014; 4:1430-1447.
16.Chandramouly G, Kwok A, Huang B, Willis NA, Xie A, Scully R*. BRCA1 and CtIP suppress long tract gene conversion between sister chromatids. Nat Commun, 2013,4:2404.
17.Rass E, Chandramouly G, Zha S, Alt FW, Xie A*. Ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) is dispensable for endonuclease I-SceI-induced homologous recombination in mouse embryonic stem cells. J Biol Chem, 2013,288:7086-7095.
18.Scully R* and Xie A. Double strand break repair functions of histone H2AX. Mutat Res,2013,750: 5-14 (peer reviewed).
19.Hartlerode AJ, Guan Y, Rajendran A, Ura K, Schotta G, Xie A, Shah JV, Scully R*. Impact of histone H4 lysine 20 methylation on 53BP1 responses to chromosomal double strand breaks. PLoS One, 2012,7:e49211.
20.Nguyen CL, Possemato R, Bauerlein EL, Xie A, Scully R, Hahn WC*. Nek4 regulates entry into replicative senescence and the response to DNA-damage in human fibroblasts. Mol Cell Biol, 2012,32: 3963-3977.
21.Hu Y, Scully R, Sobhian B, Xie A, Shestokova E, Livingston DM*. RAP80-directed tuning of BRCA1 homologous recombination function at ionizing radiation-induced nuclear foci. Genes Dev 2011; 25:685-700.
22.Xie A, Odate S, Chandramouly G, Scully R*. H2AX post-translational modifications in the ionizing radiation response and homologous recombination. Cell Cycle 2010; 9: 3602-3610. (Highlighted in News and Views in Cell Cycle, 2010; 9:3845). (影响因子: 3.259)
23.Xie A*, Kwok A, Scully R*. Role of mammalian Mre11 in classical and alternative nonhomologous end joining. Nat Struct Mol Biol 2009; 16:814-818 (*, Co-corresponding authorship). (Highlighted in News and Views in Nat Struct Mol Biol 2009; 16:798-800). (影响因子: 12.109)
24.Xie A, Hartlerode A, Stucki M, Odate S, Puget N, Kwok A, Nagaraju G, Yan C, Alt FW, Chen J, Jackson SP, Scully R*. Distinct roles of chromatin-associated factors MDC1 and 53BP1 in mammalian double strand break repair. Mol Cell 2007; 28:1045-1057. (Evaluated and recommended by Faculty of 1000).
25.Xie A and Scully R*. Hijacking the DNA damage response to enhance viral replication: γ-Herpesvirus 68 orf36 phosphorylates histone H2AX. Mol Cell 2007; 27:178-179.
26.Nagaraju G, Odate S, Xie A, Scully R. Differential regulation of short- and long-tract gene conversion between sister chromatids by Rad51C. Mol Cell Biol 2006; 26:8075-8086.
27.Scully R* and Xie A. In my end is my beginning: control of end resection and DSBR pathway “choice” by cyclin-dependent kinases. Oncogene 2005; 24:2871-2876.
28.Xie A, Puget N, Shim I, Odate S, Jarzyna I, Bassing CH, Alt FW, Scully R*. Control of sister chromatid recombination by histone H2AX. Mol Cell 2004; 16:1017-1025.
29.Scully R* and Xie A. BRCA1 and BRCA2 in breast cancer predisposition and recombination control. J Mammary Gland Biol Neoplasia 2004; 9:237-246.
30.Scully R*, Xie A, Nagaraju G.Molecular functions of BRCA1 in the DNA damage response. Cancer Biol Ther 2004; 3:521-527.
31.Xie A-Y and Folk WR*. Inhibition of polyomavirus ori-dependent DNA replication by mSin3B. J Virol 2002; 76:11809-11818.
32.Xie A-Y, Bermudez VP, Folk WR*. Stimulation of DNA replication from the polyomavirus origin by PCAF and GCN5 acetyltransferases: Acetylation of large T antigen. Mol Cell Biol 2002; 22:7907-7918.
33.Berjanskii MV, Riley MI, Xie A, Semenchenko V, Folk WR, Van Doren, SR*. NMR structure of the N-terminal J domain of murine polyomavirus T antigens. Implications for DnaJ-like domains and for mutations of T antigens. J Biol Chem 2000; 275:36094-36103.
1. “Uniqueness in repair of DSBs induced by CRISPR nucleases”, 2019基因编辑技术学术研讨会,江苏苏州,2019.03.14-2019.03.15,受邀会议报告
2. “Uniqueness in repair of DSBs induced by CRISPR nucleases”, 美国哥伦比亚大学癌症遗传学研究所,美国New York,2018.09.26,受邀学术报告
3. “Harnessing accurate non-homologous end-joining for precise deletion in CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editing”,浙江大学与美国哥伦比亚大学双边论坛(2018 Joint Symposium between Zhejiang University and Columbia University), 美国New York, 2018.09.25,受邀会议报告
4.“基于精准NHEJ的CRISPR精准删除的基因编辑技术”, 2018第一届基因组编辑/合成生物学研讨会,上海,2018.06.08-2018.06.10,受邀会议报告(演讲者:研究组科研助手冯依力)
5.“Inhibiting H2AX-dependent homologous recombination for PARPi-based cancer therapy”, 第四届肿瘤基础和转化医学前沿国际研讨会, 贵州贵阳, 2017.04.21-2017.04.23,受邀会议报告
6.“CRISPR基因编辑技术的DNA双链断裂修复调节”, 2017基因编辑技术学术研讨会,上海,2017.03.24-2019.03.25,受邀会议报告
7.“Control of non-homologous end joining by histone H2AX”, 中国生物化学与分子生物学会第十一届基因功能与表观遗传调控学术研讨会, 上海, 2015.10.12-2017.10.13,受邀会议报告
8.“ATM is dispensable for homologous recombination, including that controlled by gH2AX”,第 5届生物医学和环境科学与技术国际会议 icBEST-2014/第 5届 DNA损伤应答和人类疾病国际会议 icDDRHD-2014,北京,2014.10.16,受邀会议报告
9. “Role of TRIP12 ubiquitin ligase in DNA replication stress response”, 浙江大学西湖学术论坛第 107次国际会议——蛋白质泛素类修饰与人类健康关系战略研讨会,浙江杭州,2014.05.14,受邀会议报告
10.“Histone H2AX-associated proteins MDC1 and 53BP1 in double strand break repair.” Cellular Responses to DNA Damage 2008 Conference, Boston, MA, 2008, Invited Talk
11.“Regulation of sister chromatid recombination by histone H2AX.” The 2005 Gordon Research Conference on Cancer Genetics and Epigenetics,Ventura,CA,2005,Invited Talk.
1. 肿瘤基因组不稳定性及肿瘤靶向药物研发
2. CRISPR基因编辑机制研究、技术改良与应用
3. 肝癌模型建立及肝癌发生机制研究与临床应用